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27. Aug. 20182 Min. Lesezeit
6 Fonts that Make Me Happy
There are over 2,200 fonts in my digital font library at the moment. They include all-time classics, well-done newbies and outstanding...

19. Juni 20172 Min. Lesezeit
I’m in love ... with Akko and Marbach
In this blog post I present two fonts that I got to know in the course of re-designing Austria’s biggest transport magazine "Blickpunkt...

5. Juni 20172 Min. Lesezeit
First Insights into a Design Relaunch
A design relaunch is always something quite delicate: If it’s for a product established for many years, a magazine, a logo or a complete...

22. März 20162 Min. Lesezeit
Adobe Project Faces – Adobe MAX 2015
Developing a font is something very complex and requires a lot of expertise, attention to detail and talent. Serifs yes or no, the...

3. Juni 20131 Min. Lesezeit
Full vs. left or right justification
You might not want to believe it, but there are still publications out there that have copy with horrible full justification. See this...
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