Let's celebrate! Here you see milestones and interesting facts from 2010 to 2019.
HCG corporate designs
turns 10 years
turns 10 years
Here I am!
HCG corporate designs is born. By the way, HCG stands for the initials of Helene Clara Gamper. Back then, I started with the desktop publishing of a magazine and corporate designs. This is how I made my first slow steps into self-employment.
Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs
In the course of the EU program "Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs", I moved to London for four months and lived in East Finchley, the direct neighbourhood of the late George Michael. Besides my business contact in England, I continued to work for my clients back home in Austria and Germany from my London office.
"Infographics are huge. A data visualization is when you get data and you present it in a more user-friendly way."
From the very start I was thrilled by data visualizations and infographics, a trend coming from the USA. And somehow I had the feeling that they might have a bright future in Europe too. This topic just stayed on my agenda. (It wasn't until years later that my gut feeling should be confirmed.) I learned various techniques and thoroughly worked myself into the world of data visualization. As a child, maths was one of my favourite subjects, which turned out to be quite handy here. I decided to take on data visualization and infographic design into my portfolio of design services.
App magazine design
The publishing industry had been struggling with decreasing subscriber numbers and - most of all - decreasing advertising and PR revenue streams for a while. In addition to that, the iPad got more and more popular and digitisation for publishing houses worldwide was speeding up. I learned how to design digital magazines in order to offer my clients an additional, digital service and to offer them an alternative to print. In the beginning, I worked with the Adobe Digital Publishing Suite (DPS), but later I switched to the Belgian software solution Twixl Media (a wise switch, as it turned out). So I included app magazine design into my service portfolio.
Typo workshops
Further education is a huge priority with HCG corporate designs. This is why I attended two full-day workshops with Berlin based typography expert Wolfgang Beinert (founder of the Typolexikon) in 2012 and 2014, as well as an intense 3-day workshop for creating fonts with the Typejockeys from Vienna.
Web design in-house
After collaborating with external IT agencies as well as working with the CM systems Joomla, Typo3 and Wordpress, I decided to shift all web design related projects from external developers to in-house. From 2015 onwards, I have been creating websites in-house with one of the world's leading CMS providers (WIX).

init_cd quality seal
After several successfully implemented brand design projects, the initiative corporate design (init_cd), an ExpertsCluster of designaustria, rewarded me with their official quality seal "Qualitätsstandards Corporate Designs" (quality standards corporate designs). I officially commit myself to develop brand designs in adherence with specific quality standards.
Infographic workshop
I completed an intense 3-day workshop on infographics, big data visualization and visual storytelling with Marina Bräm, head of the infographic department of the Swiss Tamedia Group. I could further deepen my existing knowledge on how to best visualize data.
Online shop
The online shop of HCG corporate designs and my price configurator for corporate designs went online. Hour packages as well as small, standardised services could be purchased or ordered online now. So much innovation was rewarded by a report of the local chamber of commerce in which they called me a "Tellerrandguckerin" (a person to think outside the box).
The magazine gut gestalten interviewed me and asked me some interesting questions on brand design and corporate identity design.
HCG corporate designs turns 10 years!
A few figures from 10 years of HCG corporate designs:
(data as per 1.1.2020)

print pages
I created as a magazine layout designer for printed magazines, books and brochures within ten years.

kilograms of paper
were printed with my designs.
were designed and implemented for app magazines, including interactivities and multimedia content.

of data were downloaded in the app magazines I created.
logo sketches
were made for client projects in the last ten years. However, only the best (approximately) five logo drafts make it into the client presentation at the end. Here you can get some insights into how I create a creative logo design from scratch.

colour codes
were defined and documented in style guides in the course of brand design projects. This includes CMYK, RGB, HEX and Pantone for both print and digital purposes in order to ensure an intermedia colour security.
data sets
were visualised as stand-alone data islands in order to create great infographics in the end.

were designed between 2012 and 2019 - among them were small and big projects alike. I belong to only a little number of designers in the German speaking area who have relevant expertise and experience in data visualization.

are represented in my list of clients. These are: Australia, Germany, Great Britain, India, Canada, Austria, Switzerland, USA. As you see, it is a misbelief that a client and a designer have to know each other in person in order to work together successfully.
I got to know within the last ten years. My clients work in very diverse industries, have between 0 and 1,000 employees and work in the B2C and the B2B segment.

were in my digital font stock as per 1.1.2020. I love the world of typography. A font is so much more than an information transmitter, it is an important design element. (By the way, the headers on this website were written in Finador and Finador Slab, a font by the Art Director Julien Fincker.)
were spent in various workshops, seminars and trainings. Never stop learning!

video views
were counted on my Youtube channel by 1.1.2020. There you find useful tips and tricks from my daily design routine for in-house graphic designers, small and middle sized businesses or everybody else who is interested in communication design.

were counted on my Youtube channel by 1.1.2020.
Other things I'm doing ...
(a few private insights)

hours per year
I spend on doing sports. Apart from my passion for travelling, fitness is my other big passion. This is how I get my head free and my creative spirit starts to flow again. Sweat-inducing, persistent and full of power - this is how it has to be! Circuit training, interval training, functional training, Bikram Yoga at an infrared heat of 39°, Zumba as well as cardio and core training are on my schedule.

I travelled to within the past ten years, 13 of them for private reasons. I love exploring the world and just can't get enough of travelling. My biggest private highlights were roundtrips through Kenya, Bali, Thailand, Vietnam, Colombia, Peru and Ecuador with the astonishing Galapagos Islands.
Copyright photos: Helene Clara Gamper

This is the zip code of my beautiful home town Innsbruck. It's simply wonderful to live and work here. Even though I love travelling, I always enjoy coming back home to Tirol.
Copyright photos: Helene Clara Gamper