Since 2000, PETnology (Pielenhofen, Germany) has been a high-quality information provider and networking company for the plastics and PET packaging industry. The slogan "connecting comPETence", which is also the name of the print magazine, means strengthening customer loyalty. PETnology always work on new solutions to satisfy the more and more specific demands on information and networking of the plastic packaging market. Based on the existing print magazine layout design, that counts approx. 120 pages per issue and comes out three times a year, I created and implemented the interactive and multimedia app magazine layout design, including conception. The app can be downloaded for iOS and Android.

Subscribers of the print magazine have free access to the app via a built in login function. For readers who prefer reading the app only, the issue is available as an in-app purchase.
In summer 2020, the app was completely redone in terms of content structure, navigation, loading speed and usability. Read more details about the new app design features in this blog article.