Senioren-Matinees (Zurich, Switzerland) bring joy and happiness to elderly people living in retirement and nursing homes. One hour presentations about music, calligraphy and art are enriched with funny and almost unknown stories from the everyday life of late artists (like Mozart and Bach …). The audience is actively integrated into the presentations which makes the events exciting and outstanding.
I was hired to design the complete brand design, from the creative logo design to the responsive website (incl. mobile website). Additionally, I was responsible for copywriting, corporate wording as well as picture selection. This professional brand design strengthens trust in this Swiss start-up among the target group and future sponsors alike.
The creative logo design reminds of a tree of life and serves as a symbol for a fulfilled life rich of experiences and facets. The tree is illustrated unperfectly so to subtly transport a feeling of painting or drawing by hand, as painting is a core topic in the presentations of Senioren-Matinee.

Also, the branch ends look outstanding; I was inspired by the lions’ tail ends in the city arms of Zurich. Thus, Zurich is subtly integrated into the logo which stands for the origin and the regional focus of Senioren-Matinee. All presentations are spiced up with a good sense of humour and charm. The lion tail ends in the treetop shall transport a feeling for the uncommon and the sense of humour in the Senioren-Matinee presentations.
The logo symbol is joyful and life-affirming. The logo font reminds of calligraphic art (also part of the Senioren-Matinee presentations) and is elegant and energetic.
Senioren-Matinee’s colour world is optimistic and positive. Sunny yellow, happy orange and raspberry pink are set as primary colours.

The colour gradient "peach Melba" is often combined with white logo elements and repeats in all communication materials for a holistic brand experience and a high recognition value.
Antique pink, cranberry, moss green and sky blue were defined as secondary colours.
Abhaya Libre
Mein Ziel ist es, Freizeitangebote für Senioren zu schaffen, die besonders viel Freude, Abwechslung und Lebendigkeit in den Alltag in der Seniorenresidenz bzw. im Pflegeheim bringen. Ob Kunstpräsentation, Geschichtsvortrag oder Musikreferat – mit hochwertigem Bild- und Tonmaterial und kaum bekannten Anekdoten aus dem Leben der Künstler bringe ich frischen Wind in den Alltag von Senioren.
The font "Abhaya Libre" is a distinctive serif font which stands out thanks to its round, upwards facing shapes. It transports a good feeling, optimism and joy – perfect for the brand design of Senioren-Matinee.

The website design is fully responsive for all devices and also transports an optimistic, positive vibe.
I wrote the entire copy, was responsible for the picture selection and brought everything together in a beautiful, holistic web experience.
In autumn 2021, we implemented a native app for iOS and Android , of course also in the brand design of Senioren Matinee. The app is linked to the Wix website in real time. That means, app users see event dates, can register or deregister for events directly in the app and can communicate with like-minded people directly within the app. This further strengthens the image and increases customer loyalty.

You can find more details on the secondary style elements and the entire brand design concept in the PDF manual.
"A rare and outstanding cooperation! Ms. Gamper is a genius in terms of creativity, design and feeling for a holistic brand design. I’ve hardly ever experienced something like that. Within a very short time she developed a whole business concept out of my idea. Absolutely top!"
Fredy Staudacher