Posting on social media is a challenge for many entrepreneurs. Here you will find a few useful tips on how your social media posts look better and more professional.
Every social media platform has its own formats and dimensions. That is why it is time-consuming and quite exhausting to design precisely to the pixel for each platform. It is best to use three basic formats as a guide:
This is probably the most common format for social media posts on Facebook, Xing or LinkedIn.
Stories on Instagram or Facebook are always in portrait format. This also applies to IGTVs on Instagram, by the way.
Image posts on Instagram are always displayed in a square shape - Facebook can work with this format, too.
These three basic dimensions are very easy to use in practice. This saves you a lot of time and nerves.
A uniform look and feel, a design constant so to speak, is essential for a professional appearance on social media as a corporate channel.
When using different stock photos, you might get different photo moods. It looks more professional when everything has a uniform look and feel. Color filters, for example, come in very handy here, as they always create a certain mood in the photo. So the pictures fit together very nicely.
A consistent design theme is also important when using fonts on social media posts. Pay attention to the font size and that you only put as little text as necessary on a picture so that it can still be read easily on the mobile phone - where your social media post is likely to be read.
Secondary style elements are a great thing. They stand for a visual constant that runs through an entire brand design and subtly reminds people of a specific company without having to see the logo. The logo is not absolutely necessary on social media posts, the secondary style element is usually better here.
Here you can see a few examples of social media posts from our customers. All of them come with beautiful color filters and color moods and the correct use of secondary style elements:
A black color filter is used for Spedination, so that the text in the company font stands out in white. The central message is also highlighted by the rounded yellow corners that are derived from the logo symbol. These yellow corners are the secondary style elements in this brand design and are used everywhere - with or without text - for a professional and consistent look.
This example shows Spedifort, a provider for online learning for freight forwarders, for which we developed the new brand design at the end of 2020. Again, a nice color filter is used (a filter in one of the corporate colors of course). You see the same arrangement of image area, text area, corporate font, the logo icon and, as secondary style elements, the colorful progress bars, which symbolize the learning progress, on all formats. The topic of "learning progress" is a central element in this brand design that can be found in all social media posts.
As you can see, a uniform look and feel is extremely important. A good brand design can be flexibly applied to anything, including social media, and still manages to convey a uniform look and feel.