Spedifort offers innovative e-learning for freight forwarders and is a product by INN-ovativ KG (Kiefersfelden, Germany). As an online course provider, Spedifort has become an indispensable player in the logistics industry. I was hired to visualize the transformation from the start-up to the premium segment with a new brand design (rebranding). Although the industry has a rather conservative image, Spedifort shall not appear quiet, reserved and conservative, but funky, bold and loud.

Only the S flag is reminiscent of the old logo. Saira (by the Argentine font manufacturer Omnibus-Type) was chosen as the font for the new logo . Capital letters with excessively large letter spacing round off the premium character of the brand and emphasize the pioneering role and market dominance.
The primary company colors are based on the old brand design. For the new corporate design, the color scheme has been expanded to include numerous secondary colors - for more flexibility in the long run.
Saira Black
I'm a super stylish font and cover many languages. Almost before we knew it, we had left the ground using this font.
1234567890 aäbcdefghijklm noöpqrsßtuüvwxyz @ € AÄBCDEFGHIJKLM NOÖPQRSTUÜVWXYZ
Saira Bold
I'm a super stylish font and cover many languages. Almost before we knew it, we had left the ground using this font.
1234567890 aäbcdefghijklm noöpqrsßtuüvwxyz @ € AÄBCDEFGHIJKLM NOÖPQRSTUÜVWXYZ
Saira Light
I'm a super stylish font and cover many languages. Almost before we knew it, we had left the ground using this font.
1234567890 aäbcdefghijklm noöpqrsßtuüvwxyz @ € AÄBCDEFGHIJKLM NOÖPQRSTUÜVWXYZ
Saira is a sans serif typeface with a "techy" IT character and a geometric look and offers a perfect combination of technology and practicality and is therefore ideal for the new Spedifort brand design.
Die große Überschrift
Perem net optas quiae reiure prepudis voloreh entiam et milliae nullautenis accatem faccaep elendis adis mos venihitatur? Dolore invelis essecae evellaut ilique pra quia nimus, imus, sanimped erchiliquam, nosam idis everi sitatur, utem. Itate eos sinvent, vendelis aut dolupta tibeatet earum hillicab ium veles ma corem restiur simporro et pero dem. Toriberum alit erspe perferum quuntin eumque dolest litibus. Idesedit aut earionsed ma vendisi rerem quia si temporerum apidus, saepudant, odi doluptias assitio remolorror abore rerovit iument alis sed quidebitiust re volessint voloreheni berest, omnis ma con repe volorru mquat. Perem net optas quiae reiure STRONG EMPHASIS OF TEXT prepudis voloreh entiam et milliae nullautenis accatem faccaep elendis adis mos venihitatur? Dolore invelis essecae evellaut ilique pra quia nimus, imus, sanimped erchiliquam, nosam idis everi sitatur, utem. Itate eos sinvent, vendelis aut dolupta tibeatet earum hillicab ium veles ma corem restiur simporro et pero dem. Toriberum alit erspe perferum quuntin eumque dolest litibus. Idesedit aut earionsed ma vendisi rerem quia si temporerum apidus, saepudant, odi doluptias assitio remolorror abore rerovit iument alis sed quidebitiust re volessint voloreheni berest, omnis ma con repe volorru mquat. Perem net optas quiae reiure prepudis voloreh entiam et milliae nullautenis accatem faccaep elendis WEAK EMPHASIS OF TEXT adis mos venihitatur? Dolore invelis essecae evellaut ilique pra quia nimus, imus, sanimped erchiliquam, nosam idis everi sitatur, utem. Itate eos sinvent, vendelis aut dolupta tibeatet earum hillicab ium veles ma corem restiur simporro et pero dem. Toriberum alit erspe perferum quuntin eumque dolest litibus. Idesedit aut earionsed ma vendisi rerem quia si temporerum apidus, saepudant, odi doluptias assitio remolorror abore rerovit iument alis sed quidebitiust re volessint voloreheni berest, omnis ma con repe volorru mquat.
The secondary style elements are several progress bars that play with the topic of "learning progress in Spedifort courses". Each progress bar is visually reduced (a simple rectangle) so as not to compete with the logo symbol.
The progress bars serve as visual constants that run through the entire brand design and thus convey the Spedifort
"look and feel" through all means of communication. This supports the desired funky / edgy image of Spedifort and gives the layout a playful look and feel. Learning with Spedifort is fun!
Numerous icon designs were made for the new brand design.

All layouts for print products such as brochures and folders as well as social media post designs were created with the golden ratio. The golden ratio is the arrangement of elements in a size ratio of 5: 8. Scientific and historical studies show that the human eye perceives the golden ratio as particularly harmonious and beautiful. The golden ratio is used for all Spedifort advertising layouts. The ratio of the text area (bottom) is 5 to 8 to the photo area (top).
In addition, a color filter in the company color "petrol - night shade" is used for photos in order to convey an edgy industrial look.

All courses are presented in a nearly 100-page catalog in the new brand design. A brochure was designed for direct mailings too.

The corporate design manual allowed the customer to redesign their website themselves, based on the new brand design.

See what the customer has to say about the new brand design (video in German language):