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branding agency

Spedijobs help companies in the logistics sector to find suitable staff. For this purpose, a job platform and an applicant management tool are combined in a single system. A "pay per click" model on the platform simplifies billing for clients. Interfaces to hundreds of media partners as well as automated translations provide for a maximum reach of the job advertisements. On top of that, monetary incentives are put into place for employee recommendations. This is how Spedijobs want to revolutionize the search for employees for companies in the logistics sector and fight the driver shortage.

We created a professional branding to transport Spedijobs’ values as an innovative, bold and solution-oriented brand.


The Spedijobs logo design brings together two opposing identities: on the one hand the job seeker, on the other hand the employer. The core message of the logo is the perfect matching, uncomplicated, clear and direct. In addition to that, the shape of the symbol in the logo design is reminiscent of an "s" (for spedijobs) and in the broadest sense of a forklift.



The color world of the Spedijobs branding is strong and bold, subtly reminiscent of the search engine giant Google and perfectly reflects the values of the brand. The primary colors form the main colors of the branding. The secondary colors expand the color system to offer more flexibility.


Saira Black

I'm a super stylish font and cover many languages. Almost before we knew it, we had left the ground using this font.

1234567890 aäbcdefghijklm noöpqrsßtuüvwxyz @ € AÄBCDEFGHIJKLM NOÖPQRSTUÜVWXYZ

Saira Regular

I'm a super stylish font and cover many languages. Almost before we knew it, we had left the ground using this font.

1234567890 aäbcdefghijklm noöpqrsßtuüvwxyz @ € AÄBCDEFGHIJKLM NOÖPQRSTUÜVWXYZ

Font family Saira serves as the corporate font in the branding for Spedijobs. Saira is a sans serif font with a modern look and feel, geometric appearance and very good legibility, especially in the digital environment. As Saira is also used as the corporate typeface for Spedifort, for which we designed a new branding a few years ago, this font family builds a subtle visual bridge to Spedijobs and can therefore remain in the existing IT systems.

Die große Überschrift

Perem net optas quiae reiure prepudis voloreh entiam et milliae nullautenis accatem faccaep elendis adis mos venihitatur? Dolore invelis essecae evellaut ilique pra quia nimus, imus, sanimped erchiliquam, nosam idis everi sitatur, utem. Itate eos sinvent, vendelis aut dolupta tibeatet earum hillicab ium veles ma corem restiur simporro et pero dem. Toriberum alit erspe perferum quuntin eumque dolest litibus. Idesedit aut earionsed ma vendisi rerem quia si temporerum apidus, saepudant, odi doluptias assitio remolorror abore rerovit iument alis sed quidebitiust re volessint voloreheni berest, omnis ma con repe volorru mquat. Perem net optas quiae reiure strong emphasis of text prepudis voloreh entiam et milliae nullautenis accatem faccaep elendis adis mos venihitatur? Dolore invelis essecae evellaut ilique pra quia nimus, imus, sanimped erchiliquam, nosam idis everi sitatur, utem. Itate eos sinvent, vendelis aut dolupta tibeatet earum hillicab ium veles ma corem restiur simporro et pero dem. Toriberum alit erspe perferum quuntin eumque dolest litibus. Idesedit aut earionsed ma vendisi rerem quia si temporerum apidus, saepudant, odi doluptias assitio remolorror abore rerovit iument alis sed quidebitiust re volessint voloreheni berest, omnis ma con repe volorru mquat. Perem net optas quiae reiure prepudis voloreh entiam et milliae nullautenis accatem faccaep elendis weak emphasis of text adis mos venihitatur? Dolore invelis essecae evellaut ilique pra quia nimus, imus, sanimped erchiliquam, nosam idis everi sitatur, utem. Itate eos sinvent, vendelis aut dolupta tibeatet earum hillicab ium veles ma corem restiur simporro et pero dem. Toriberum alit erspe perferum quuntin eumque dolest litibus. Idesedit aut earionsed ma vendisi rerem quia si temporerum apidus, saepudant, odi doluptias assitio remolorror abore rerovit iument alis sed quidebitiust re volessint voloreheni berest, omnis ma con repe volorru mquat. 


Secondary style elements and patterns serve as visual constants that run through the entire branding. This visually keeps the brand together and transports the look and feel of Spedijobs through all means of communication, which makes a significant contribution to the brand’s recognition value.


The secondary style elements result from the symbol in the logo design. The SSE text pin is an element from the logo icon and firmly grips a two- or three-lined text. Short text can be emphasized perfectly this way. The SSE media pin, on the other hand, results from the merging of both halves of the logo icon (as illustrated in the logo design animation) and serves as a visual anchor to which multimedia assets orient themselves.


The Spedijobs pattern results from a single-color logo-symbol grid and can be used in all company colors to offer a maximum of flexibility.

pattern for Branding

Spedijobs icons adopt the clarity and directness of the logo design and come in the primary colors blue and red.

Icon Design__Personalsuche muss nicht teuer sein - Pay per Click.png
Icon Design__Profitieren Sie von großer Reichweite.png
Icon Design__Produktpräsentation - Kennenlernen.png
Icon Design__Onboarding - Einschulung.png
Icon Design__Guthaben aufladen.png


Further details on the branding and logo design for Spedijobs can be found in the corporate design manual.



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