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The DOs and DONTs in Infographic Design

When Jess Bachman, Creative Director of contacted me to say how impressed he is by my work, I of course felt very honoured. offers infographic services to some of the world’s biggest brands on an extraordinarily high quality level. So the question of working together with him and, I could only answer with "Yes!". I’m looking forward to many great infographic projects.

Speaking of infographics, I want to give you some interesting tips:

- A study proved that data shown in round shapes is remembered most. - Bar charts are probably the oldest data visualisation method ever. However, you should use bar charts only when you have to. An infoGRAPHIC should look like a graphic and not like a boring chart, no? - According to a study, data in an infographic having more than six colours is much easier to remember. However, this raises a bit of concern as regards the design and overall look as a higgledy-piggledy infographic can easily look unprofessional and cheap. - Speaking of colours, you should always thoroughly think about how to use colours in an infographic. The colour is the very first thing somebody sees of an infographic. So implement some sort of colour system. It can also make sense to create the infographic in black and white in the beginning and implement the colour scheme in the end. - Lately, I have stumbled upon a few infographics using photographs. Placing an illustration into a photo can be a nice thing when executed smartly. But placing a photo into an infographic? Sorry, that is just scary. The human eye always looks out for things we know that come closest to reality so you automatically focus on the photo. The infographic around the photo becomes less important. Mixing infographics with photos is very delicate!

Do you want a great and unique infographic for your business? Simply send me an email!



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