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Design Consistency

Daimler organised a press conference on "e-mobility in the future" in the old post station of Berlin on 14 December 2017. The worldwide first fully electronic trucks produced in series are called "eCanter" and were presented and handed over to renowned clients like DB Schenker, Dachser, DHL and Rhenus. An interesting article about this event and the e-trucks can be read in the upcoming issue of "Blickpunkt LKW & BUS" (available in German language only).

What this blog article is about though, is the design of the event that I as a designer really loved: tilted lines going forward (important, as forward = progress!) transported a feeling of "shift to the future", forward thinking and an intelligent, seamless shift from the present to the future.

Strong, bold majuscules (capital letters) as well as centred headers gave the brand message even more strength. The tilted forward lines were smartly repeated within the font after the "main tilted line" (see photo below: DE/LIVER).

typography daimler event

All visual touch points (cardboard boxes, screens, notepads, entrance tickets etc.) were equipped with that holistic design, showing a forward thinking, futuristic look.

Daimler, congratulations!

event design

notepad design font

event design daimler

event design daimler lines

event design daimler lines

event design ticket

A very cute thing, I find, was the worldwide first "truck ballet" with the e-trucks driving around us without making any noise (please excuse the shakiness, it's a spontaneous mobile phone video):





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