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18 Facts That Prove You Need A Corporate Design

18 facts that prove you need a corporate design

# 1 You have your logo only as jpg or png file (uff ...) and have no clue how your website shall look like (see also this video).

# 2 You don’t know your corporate colours. Of course not, you don’t have any.

# 3 The colour on your business card is different than the colour on your letterhead.

# 4 Your business card looks very different to your employee’s one.

# 5 Your website is designed in a blue-grey tone, whereas your business cards are designed in a green-yellow tone.

# 6 There is no way for you to find out what font to use on your new flyer.

# 7 Your logo shows always the same icon, however different fonts on your business cards, website and flyer.

# 8 There is no indication of how your new brochure shall look like.

# 9 You don’t know what line spacing to use in Word when you write a letter.

# 10 Your business is perceived as "unprofessional" or "not trustworthy".

# 11 Your website looks cluttered.

# 12 The copy in your brochure is difficult to read. Of course it is due to the lack of a good typography concept.

# 13 You hire a designer to create a flyer and cannot answer his/her question "Can you please send me your style guide?".

# 14 Different freelance designers work on different projects for you: one designer creates a flyer, whilst another one cares about the website, whilst another one illustrates an infographic. (A corporate design makes sure that everything has the exact same look and feel. Nobody from outside will see that you hired different designers.)

# 15 Your business card shows another font than your website than your flyer than your brochure etc.

# 16 Various materials are designed at different times: the website and business cards in 2015, a flyer in 2017, the car sticker design in 2018, an infographic in 2020 and an advertisement for a local newspaper in 2022.

# 17 You are not successful finding a sponsor or investor.

# 18 You don’t want to make yourself dependent on one designer or design agency. (A corporate design incl. style guide makes sure you stay independent so you can work with different designers and agencies. The design concept is documented in the style guide.)

Take a look at some inspiring examples of brandings and send me an email. I’m looking forward to discussing your project!



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